Beijer Alma’s science based emissions targets approved by SBTi

Beijer Alma has committed to reducing its absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Scope 1 and 2 by 42 percent by 2030, compared to the base year of 2022*. The Group also has a target to reduce emissions along the value chain, focusing primarily on the carbon footprint of raw materials and transportation. The goal is to reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 52 percent per SEK of added value by 2030, compared to the base year of 2022. 
Increased trustworthiness
“Validation from the SBTi is very important for Beijer Alma. We have already significantly reduced our emissions, but through the SBTi’s framework for measurement, reporting and verification, we are now taking more responsibility and increasing the trustworthiness of our climate work,” says Henrik Perbeck, President and CEO of Beijer Alma. 
“Science based sustainability targets are essential for guiding the company towards a future that is financially successful as well as environmentally sustainable. Focusing our operations on alternatives with a lower carbon footprint across the entire value chain makes us more competitive. At the same time, we support our customers’ efforts to become more sustainable,” says Anna Haesert, Chief Sustainability Officer.
The SBTi, the official body for setting climate targets, is a collaboration between CDP, the UN Global Compact, the World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature. SBTi is also a member of the We Mean Business Coalition. The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in formulating science based targets, provides resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses and approves companies’ targets.
* The limit in the target includes land-based emissions and the extraction of raw materials for bioenergy.

Recipients of Beijer Alma ́s Anders Wall scholarship 2023

Ronny Karlsson, Head of System Development at Botek Systems AB in Ulricehamn

A new leader with a strong combined ability of driving development and customer relations on a global level. Ronny started his career at Botek 2016. His first position was as software developer, Ronny impressed directly with solid technical skills in combination with unique customer understanding, toppled with high work capacity. Ronny was promoted 2023 to Head of system development. Ronny has since then accelerated the technical development within Botek, which reached a critical milestone during 2023 when the next generation of waste management software was launched. The software was during the year successfully implemented to several high-profile contracts in the Nordics and North America. As a leader and employee Ronny delivers customer value in global competition, regardless of tight deadlines and demanding customers. We are grateful and very pleased to have Ronny on board.

Leo Liu, Lesjöfors China, receives Beijer Alma´s Anders Wall scholarship 2024

We are delighted to announce that the recipient of Beijer Alma´s Anders Wall scholarship 2024 is Leo Liu, technical manager for springs at Lesjöfors China.

Leo Liu started his career as a stamping operator about 20 years ago. He was a fast and responsive learner and took all opportunities given for further development – especially through creative ways of communicating and learning from his European colleagues despite
shortcomings in the English language at the time.

Leo´s career spans over several fields and positions, comprising stamping operator, tool maintenance, manager for tool maintenance and tool designer to his existing role as technical manager for springs.

The business area Springs has grown dramatically in Lesjöfors China and evolved from a small share of the sales to about half of the turnover. This has enabled the merge of the Shanghai production into Lesjöfors China and has created an ultimate platform for further growth. Leo Liu has played an important role for in this achievement.

Additional to Leo’s genuine interest in technology and our products, he has developed our in-house spring calculation program that in a faster way provide production data for the calculations.

This is programmed so that parts are scalable and can be utilized throughout the entire Lesjöfors group in the future.

Today, Leo is also active in external customer communication in order to find opportunities for additional sales and growth.

Leo Liu personifies the Lesjöfors spirit with his responsive and innovative attitude, and we congratulate him to his recognition.

Beijer Alma commits to reach sustainability objectives in line with the Paris Agreement

The SBTi is a partnership between CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Science based targets show organizations how much and how quickly they need to
reduce their GHG emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

Beijer Alma’s CEO, Henrik Perbeck, commented: “I am excited about this next step in our journey to reduce our carbon footprint as well as the impact of our products. We have made good progress in reducing our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and are now expanding this to Scope 3 through closer cooperation with customers and suppliers throughout the value chain.”

Recipients of Beijer Alma ́s Anders Wall scholarship 2022

This is the seventh time that Beijer Alma’s Anders Wall scholarships have been awarded. The scholarships are awarded to one or more employees who have shown initiative, commitment and contributed to improvements and possibilities for the Beijer Alma Group. The scholarship is worth SEK 50,000, to be used for continued skills development. This year, two individuals with great potential for continued development in the group were awarded scholarships. They receive SEK 25,000 each.

Mats Holm – Head of R&D at Swedish Microwave in Motala

“Innovative research and development leader with his sights set far in the future”
Mats Holm has worked in the satellite business since the early 1990s and started at Swedish Microwave in 2013 as Technical Development Manager. Mats has developed world-class products with innovative solutions. As a result, Swedish Microwave can now offer the market’s broadest product range, featuring products of the highest quality and reliability. Mats has shown great skill and patience when it comes to driving development projects forward to a finished product. Mats is a visionary who always wants to be at the forefront of new technology and is also a good mentor for the engineers of the future.

Adam Kempson, Coiling Team Leader – Lesjöfors Heavy Springs UK

”Fulfilling potential”
Adam’s phenomenal skill and speed have been critical to the success of the Cornwall plant. Today, he holds the title of ‘super-setter’ as his coil setting consistently tops the performance leader board for productivity. As the fastest trainee to come through the Cornwall CPD system, Adam has excelled at accomplishing new skills while also training and supporting others as part of a mentoring scheme. He is also on a management fast track path to achieve his goal of becoming an operational leader. A key team player, Adam is target driven and lives by his production output. This energy and mindset motivates everyone around him and his sincerity empowers all who work with him.

Recipients of Beijer Alma’s Anders Wall scholarship 2021

This is the sixth time that Beijer Alma’s Anders Wall scholarships have been awarded. The scholarships are awarded to one or more employees who have shown initiative, commitment and contributed to improvements and possibilities for the Beijer Alma Group. The scholarship is worth SEK 50,000, a sum that is to be used for continued skills development. This year, two individuals with great potential for continued development in the Group were awarded scholarships. They received SEK 25,000 each.

Tom Kerkhof – Operations Manager at Alcomex VIOD, Lesjöfors

“Respected and trusted leader who continuously improves Alcomex VIOD’s operations.”
Tom started as Production Manager at Alcomex HZ Solution in 2018 and moved to Alcomex VIOD in 2020 as Operations Manager. Tom is a trusted leader at Alcomex VIOD. Tom is a good listener, gives valuable feedback and coaches VIOD’s employees to make them better. He gives direction to the team and has brought a customer growth mindset to the organization. Tom always uses customer satisfaction as a starting point for all improvements. He has implemented a continuous improvement methodology plan for all functions, based on which the team is now preparing for the future. One example of an improvement has been the revision of the epoxy painting line. This has resulted in a 10- percent efficiency improvement while also reducing CO2 emissions by changing the lacquer baths to a more sustainable solution. Tom also plans to implement further improvements in the future as a respected leader within Alcomex VIOD.

Susan Bao – Sales Manager at Habia Cable China

“Dedicated sales manager with drive and business acumen.”
Susan Bao has been with Habia since 2002. She started in sales to the telecom market and contributed to building Habia’s position as a world leader in cables for base station antennas. In 2020, Susan was promoted to the role of Sales Manager Region China. Under her leadership, sales to industrial and marine customers have increased rapidly, which has contributed to Habia’s profitability in China. As Sales Manager, Susan still maintains a large number of accounts and has continued to be the top salesperson globally every year for the last five years. Susan’s greatest strengths are her drive, business acumen and dedication to both our customers and Habia as a whole. She is a valuable asset to the management team and Habia’s operations in China.