The sustainability work is an important basis for the operations and focuses on the areas where we can deliver value to customers and other stakeholders. Our commitment to sustainable development means that we take responsibility for managing the environmental, financial and social impacts of our operations and from the value chain.

Sustainability objectives towards 2030

  • 1 Sound business ethics with social commitment
  • Beijer Alma represents honesty and honorability. We expect the same from all of the stakeholders that we collaborate with. We apply sound business ethics, and bribes and anti-competitive practices are forbidden. Social responsibility involves supporting stakeholders who share our values. We are guided by our Code of conduct and strive to increase transparency along the value chain through our business partner code of conduct.  

  • 2 Circular solutions and more efficient use of resources
  • Greater focus on circularity. Reducing the amount of waste generated is important to reduce the total environmental impact of our operations and to increase circularity. Wherever possible, the resources we use are recycled in order to contribute to sustainable development.  Use of energy, materials and other natural resources is to be efficient and economical.

  • 3 Reduced climate impact along the value chain 
  • The Group has approved near-term science based targets. Having targets validated by an independent organization like the SBTi increases transparency and trustworthiness. Our focus is partly on reducing direct and indirect emissions within our operations (Scope 1 & 2), partly on reducing the emission footprint of our products and services along the value chain (Scope 3). 

  • 4 Safe and stimulating work environment
  • We work preventively  and systematically in order to create a healthy and safe work environment where employees have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills. We treat everyone equally and with respect, and support diversity. Employee engagement is an important part of what makes our company successful.

  • 5 Innovation with sustainability in mind
  • A fifth focus area has been introduced called “Innovation with sustainability in mind.” This refers to innovation and product development connected to a lifecycle perspective, where products and services are developed to have a low carbon footprint.   One aspect of this work is eco-design, which involves designing products that are as environmentally friendly as possible in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Eco-design is based on six main strategies that guide customer dialogues and product development. 

Beijer Alma represents honesty and honorability. We expect the same from all of the stakeholders that we collaborate with. We apply sound business ethics, and bribes and anti-competitive practices are forbidden. Social responsibility involves supporting stakeholders who share our values. We are guided by our Code of conduct and strive to increase transparency along the value chain through our business partner code of conduct.  

Greater focus on circularity. Reducing the amount of waste generated is important to reduce the total environmental impact of our operations and to increase circularity. Wherever possible, the resources we use are recycled in order to contribute to sustainable development.  Use of energy, materials and other natural resources is to be efficient and economical.

The Group has approved near-term science based targets. Having targets validated by an independent organization like the SBTi increases transparency and trustworthiness. Our focus is partly on reducing direct and indirect emissions within our operations (Scope 1 & 2), partly on reducing the emission footprint of our products and services along the value chain (Scope 3). 

We work preventively  and systematically in order to create a healthy and safe work environment where employees have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills. We treat everyone equally and with respect, and support diversity. Employee engagement is an important part of what makes our company successful.

A fifth focus area has been introduced called “Innovation with sustainability in mind.” This refers to innovation and product development connected to a lifecycle perspective, where products and services are developed to have a low carbon footprint.   One aspect of this work is eco-design, which involves designing products that are as environmentally friendly as possible in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Eco-design is based on six main strategies that guide customer dialogues and product development. 

Anna Haesert is the Group’s Coordinating Chief Sustainability Officer. Here, Anna explains more about Beijer Alma’s overall sustainability activities and shares some examples of what is being done at all of our local units. Read more

Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report is part of the Annual Report. This makes the connection between successful business operations and corporate social responsibility clear.

You can find all of our Sustainability Reports under Financial reports

Whistleblowing procedures

The corporate climate must be transparent, with a high level of business ethics. As such, we want to identify any potential irregularities at an early stage. Through our whistleblowing process, employees and stakeholders can report suspected unethical behavior or illegalities safely and entirely anonymously. Read more

Sustainability in practice. Read more about how the Group and its subsidiaries work with sustainability.