Johan Wall

Chairman of the Board since 2016
Director: 2000–2016
Deputy Director: 1997–2000
Shareholding: 14 100
Education: Master of Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Visiting Scholar at Stanford University.
Chairman of: Beijer Holding AB, Domarbo Skog AB and Svenskt Tenn AB.
Director of: Sweco AB, Skirner AB, Kjell and Märta Beijer Foundation, the Anders Wall Foundation, the Swedish Association of Listed Companies and others.
Earlier positions: CEO of Beijerinvest AB, Bisnode AB, Enea AB, Framfab AB and Netsolutions AB.
Board committees: Chairman of Remuneration Committee. Member of Audit Committee.

Dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Johnny Alvarsson

Director since: 2017
Shareholding: 5 800
Education: Master of Engineering from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University, management training at CEDEP in France.
Chairman of: FM Mattson Mora Group and Llentab Group
Director of: Rotundagruppen, Conveniunt AB, Instalco AB and Sdiptech AB.
Earlier positions: Management positions at LM Ericsson, CEO of Zetterbergs Industri AB/Zeteco AB, Elektronikgruppen AB and Indutrade AB.
Board committees: Member of Remuneration Committee.

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Caroline af Ugglas

Director since: 2015
Shareholding: 5 000
Education: Economics degree from Stockholm University.
Director of: Bilia AB, Spiltan investment AB, Lifco AB and Trapets AB.
Earlier positions: Head of Equities and Corporate Governance at Livförsäkringsaktiebolaget Skandia and Deputy General Director of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
Board committees: Member of Audit Committee.

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Oskar Hellström

Director since: 2020
Shareholding: 7 500
Education: M Sc Industrial Engineering & Management, Linköping Institute of Technology and B Sc Economics & Business Administration, Stockholm University.
Current position: Vice President and CFO of Gränges AB.
Earlier positions: CFO at Sapa Heat Transfer, various management positions within the Sapa group, consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton.
Board committees: Chairman of Audit Committee.

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Hans Landin

Director since: 2019
Shareholding: 7 160
Education: M Sc Industrial Engineering & Management from Chalmers University of Technology.
Current position: Senior Vice President, Group Commercial Excellence Bearings, Aktiebolaget SKF.
Earlier positions: Different management functions at The Timken Company since 2000.
Board committees: Member of Remuneration Committee.

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Sofie Löwenhielm

Director since: 2023
Shareholding: 500
Education: Stockholm School of Economics and Google Marketing MBA from Wharton Executive Education in Philadelphia, USA
Current position: Marketing and strategy manager, Exeger.
Earlier positions: Head of Global Marketing Strategy and Operations at Google, Strategy consultant at Boston Consulting Group in Sweden, former director of Swedol AB.

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Independent in relation to the company.

Honorary Chairman

Anders Wall

Chairman of the Board

Remuneration Committee. The Board has appointed a Remuneration Committee comprising Johnny Alvarsson, Hans Landin and Johan Wall (Chairman). The Remuneration Committee prepares motions regarding the President’s salary and other employment terms. The Committee also prepares principles for remuneration to Group management and approves motions by the President regarding remuneration to Group management within the framework of the guidelines adopted by the Annual General Meeting. The company’s remuneration principles and guidelines are described in Note 2.

Audit Committee. The Board of Directors has appointed an Audit Committee comprising Oskar Hellström (Chairman), Johan Wall and Caroline af Ugglas. The Group’s CFO reports to the Committee. The Audit Committee is mainly for the purpose of supervising the Group’s financial reporting and the audit of the financial statements.

Johnny Alvarsson, Caroline af Ugglas, Oskar Hellström, Hans Landin and Johan Wall.

The tasks of the Committee include preparing for the Board’s work to quality assure the financial reporting by reviewing the interim reports, annual report and consolidated financial statements. The Committee also reviews legal and tax-related issues that may have a material impact on the financial reports. The Audit Committee also reviews the impartiality of the appointed auditors and decides which services, in addition to the audit, are to be procured from the auditors. Where appropriate, the Committee handles the procurement of audit services. Finally, the Audit Committee evaluates the quality of the internal control of financial reporting. The Committee held four meetings during 2023, which were attended by all members. The Chief Auditor participated in two of these meetings.

The Annual General Meeting 2024, decided to appoint the following members to the nomination committee:
The chairman of the board Johan Wall, Anders G. Carlberg as representative of the main owner and three representatives of the next largest shareholders who declared their willingness to participate in the nomination committee, which are Hans Christian Bratterud (Odin Fonder), Hjalmar Ek (Lannebo Fonder) and Carl Sundblad (Client Fonder). Anders G Carlberg was elected chairman of the election committee.
*After the 2024 AGM, Hans Christian Bratterud (Odin Fonder) has been replaced by Peter Nygren (Odin Fonder), see further information in the press release published on 29 November 2024.

The nomination committee must develop proposals for the board, chairman of the board, board fee, auditor, auditor’s fee and chairman of the general meeting until the 2025 annual general meeting. The nomination committee instructions appear in the minutes from the annual general meeting.

Shareholders can submit proposals to the nomination committee no later than January 30, 2025 by mail to the address;
Beijer Alma AB
Box 1747
751 47 UPPSALA

Senior executives comprise the Group’s senior management, including the President, the presidents of the two sub-groups and the Parent Company’s Chief Financial Officer.

All of these individuals have a total remuneration package consisting of a fixed basic salary, a variable salary, a defined-contribution pension and other benefits (mainly company car benefits). The total remuneration package is to reflect market conditions. The variable salary for senior executives who are employed by the Parent Company is based on the Group’s profitability and growth and, for senior executives employed by a subsidiary, on the subsidiary’s profitability. Variable remuneration is always maximized on average at 80 percent of basic salary.

The Remuneration Committee has evaluated the model for determining variable remuneration and has found that the outcomes are in line with the Group’s strategy for value creation and that the total remuneration package for senior executives is competitive.
The Board’s proposal was included in the notice for approval by the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting resolved to adopt the Board’s proposal.

Currently, there are no outstanding share or share-related incentive programs. Read more about: guidelines for remuneration of senior management