
Glossary and financial terms.

A to Z glossary

Adjusted operating profit
Operating profit before items affecting comparability.


Proportion of risk-bearing capital
Total of shareholders’ equity, deferred tax and non-controlling intererests divided by total assets.

Shareholders’ equity
Shareholders’ equity attributable to Parent Company shareholders.

Return on shareholders’ equity
Profit after net financial items less 22.0 percent tax, in relation to average shareholders’ equity. Profit after net financial items used is the sum of the last four quarters.  Average shareholders’ equity calculated as the sum of equity for the last four quarters divided by four. 

Return on capital employed
Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses, in relation to average capital employed. Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses used is the sum of the last four quarters.  Average capital employed calculated as the sum of capital employed for the last four quarters divided by four. 

Net debt
Interest-bearing liabilities excluding lease liabilities according to IFRS 16 less interest-bearing assets.

Invoicing, revenues, sales
Unless otherwise stated, the terms invoicing, revenues and sales refer to net revenues.

Earnings, profit
Unless otherwise stated,the terms earnings and profit refer to profit after net financial items.

Interest-coverage ratio
Profit after net financial items plus financial expenses, divided by financial expenses.

Organic growth
Total change excluding mergers, acquisitions and divestments and currency translation effects.


Operating margin
Operating profit in relation to net sales.

Net debt/equity ratio
Net debt in relation to shareholders equity.

Debt/equity ratio
Interest-bearing liabilities excluding lease liabilities according to IFRS 16 in relation to shareholders’ equity.

Equity ratio
Shareholders’ equity in relation to total assets.

Capital employed
Total assets less non-interest- bearing liabilities.

Earnings per share after standard tax
Profit after net financial items less 22.0 percent tax, in relation to the number of shares outstanding.

Earnings per share
Net profit less tax, in relation to the number of shares outstanding.

Earnings per share after dilution
Net profit less tax, in relation to the number of shares outstanding adjusted for potential shares giving rise to a dilution effect.

Order bookings
Orders from customers for goods or services subject to specific terms and conditions.

Dividend yield
Dividend per share relative to share price.

Dividend ratio, %
Dividend relative to net profit for the year attributable to Parent Company shareholders.


The next interim report for January–March will be published on April 25. For more information about the company’s activities, visit our calendar
Find all of the Group’s reports here