Staffan Johansson, President of Beijer Tech:
An ongoing transformation
Ongoing acquisitions that add more niche technologies to the business – but also a focus on organic growth. These are some of the driving forces behind the development of Beijer Tech.
You are continuing to make acquisitions – how will they strengthen the Group?
The acquisitions will strengthen the ongoing transformation of Beijer Tech. Companies such as Botek Systems and Finn Lamex are a good fit with our business model. They are non-cyclical companies, which makes us more resilient during a recession. Finn Lamex manufactures windscreens for buses, and the need to replace broken windows does not depend on the economy. Botek manufactures dynamic scales for waste management. This is a growing area with increasing demand for everything from route optimization to thorough statistics.
What is your approach to organic growth?
The companies we acquire need to be based on a certain level of organic growth. And looking at Beijer Tech as a whole, organic growth is often achieved by growing with our customers. Regardless of what we do, existing customers are the most important ones to focus on. When we keep them, we get new business indirectly.