Responsibility for people and the environment

In order to grow, our group must act responsibly. This entails that we accept responsibility for people and the environment. We do this by maintaining sound business ethics with a distinct social commitment and through efficient use of resources with reduced climate impact. At the same time, our employees must feel that our workplaces are safe, provide equality and are conducive to personal growth. We must also establish a relationship of trust with our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
Our Code of Conduct serves as a guide in this regard. The Code is linked to such initiatives as the UN Global Compact, which means that we follow its Ten Principles related to the environment and CSR. We also have a whistleblower function. It is to be used by employees if they discover any improprieties that they find difficult to handle within their own organization.
The requirement to take responsibility is clear. The Code of Conduct helps us to take this responsibility, both as individuals and as an organization. The Code supports our everyday work, providing clearly defined sustainability goals and result-oriented initiatives to show what is to be achieved. Our corporate culture also serves as a support. At Beijer Alma, the culture is clear and characterized by openness, tolerance and access to information, thereby becoming another driving force in our sustainability agenda.
Henrik Perbeck, President and CEO